ALOR DIVE Service Information - Indonesia These are our medical recommendations
for a trip to Indonesia. For further information please ask your travel
health specialist or contact mediScon.
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Before the trip Immunizations
Recommended for everyone Comments Risk areas: risk in all areas of Irian Jaya (the western half of the island of New Guinea) and at the temple complex of Borobudur; Risk in rural areas only in other islands; No risk in the cities of Java and Sumatra or in the main resort areas of Java and Bali. Transmission Period: January to December
Regulation of HIV tests: some countries require an HIV test for long stays, particularly for immigrants, students or workers. These regulations change frequently; contact the appropriate consulate for current information. AIDS-infected patients should consider not travelling to underdeveloped countries, where the risk of infection is higher and adequate medical care may not be available. To take along Drugs: drugs used at home, sterile dressings and disinfectant, an antipyretic, possibly an antimotility agent and an antibiotic (for diarrhea). For other consult your family physician or pharmacist. Condoms: for safe sexual encounters. Travel insurance: verify your insurance coverage with your insurance agent. During the trip Malaria If indicated, take regular doses of the drug prescribed for prevention of malaria. If signs of malaria appear (flu-like symptoms, fever headache, joint pain, ) seek medical attention within 24 hours! If this is not possible, assume you have malaria and take the presumptive self-treatment, if recommended, at the prescribed dosage. Measures to avoid mosquito bites For protection in the daytime (risk of dengue), apply an insect repellent to exposed skin. For protection at night (risk of malaria) apply an insect repellent to exposed skin. When outdoors at night, wear clothing with long pants and sleeves. Food Water: drink only bottled water or water that has been boiled or treated (with a filter or chemical agent), no ice cubes. Basic rule: food should be well cooked. Fruits and vegetables: wash, dry and peel them yourself. Beware: raw salad, cold cuts, raw or slightly cooked/grilled seafood, mayonnaise, ice cream, cream or butter, etc. Handwashing: do not use soiled towel to dry hands. Sun Do not go out in the sun from 11:00 AM to 03:00 PM, wear a hat and sunglasses, and apply a sunscreen to the skin. Sex Unprotected sexual encounters can transmit AIDS, hepatitis B,
If fever, diarrhea, or other symptoms develop, seek medical attention and mention to your trip. Malaria: Malaria prophylaxis should be continued for 1-4 weeks, depending upon the medication, after returning from a trip. If signs of malaria develop (flu-like symptoms), seek medical attention immediately and mention your trip. |